Create BodyGraph Chart >> Human Design by Kabastro

Human Design is a relatively new system of personality analysis that combines elements from several ancient wisdom traditions and contemporary sciences. It incorporates aspects of astrology, the I Ching (an ancient Chinese divination text), Kabbalah (a form of Jewish mysticism), the Hindu-Brahmin Chakra system, and quantum physics.

The system posits that every person’s being is determined by a unique ‘design,’ which is a kind of blueprint that dictates how they interact with the world, make decisions, and fulfill their purpose. This design is said to be established at the moment of birth and provides a map, or a manual, for an individual’s life.

Human Design is typically represented through a body graph that visually displays how different elements (such as channels, gates, and centers) are defined or undefined within a person. Each element has a specific significance:

  • Centers: There are nine centers in the Human Design body graph, representing different aspects of your personality and life, such as the mind, emotions, willpower, and identity.
  • Channels: The channels are connections between the centers, representing the flow of energy and information.
  • Gates: The gates are part of the channels and are associated with specific I Ching hexagrams.

The analysis often involves generating a personal Human Design chart using an individual’s birth data (time, date, and place of birth). This chart is said to offer insights into a person’s nature, including their strengths, potential challenges, and the strategies they should use to make decisions that are correct for them.

Human Design is often used for personal development, offering a way for individuals to understand themselves better and to make choices that align with their innate design. However, it’s important to note that Human Design is not a scientifically validated system; it is considered more of a spiritual or metaphysical approach and should be approached as such.

Human Design Gates Cheat Sheet

A Complete Guide to Human Design